The WholeFamily MD team works in collaboration with you and our carefully chosen network of specialists to create a personalized health plan. We provide annual exams, based on preventative medicine best-practices.  We also address urgent care matters, chronic health problems, and phase-of-life issues such as menopause and andropause.

We strive to provide

ultimate convenience and continuity

We offer conventional and alternative therapies, lifestyle and nutrition counseling, disease screening (including PAP smears for women), targeted lab work, and immunizations in-office. We also offer appropriate referrals to our network of outstanding medical specialists at UCSF CPMC and surrounding hospitals. In addition we refer to psychotherapists, physical therapists, and complementary health practitioners as needed.

We work in collaboration

with you to create a personalized health plan

  • many conditions we address

    • nutritional and hormonal imbalances
    • anxiety
    • fatigue
    • chronic pain and migraine
    • insomnia
    • mood disorders
    • eating disorders